Do you struggle with the correct use of grammar when using social media? Don’t worry. Seemingly lots of people do. However, if you’re using social media to try and promote yourself and your business, you really should make the effort to make your content and interactions as good as they can be. Yes, there are plenty of people out there who wouldn’t notice if you mixed up your where, were, and we’res, but there is a large chunk of us who would, and sometimes it will make us think less of you both as an individual and a business owner.

This post is part of a series –
How to do Social Media for Business
Don’t let poor grammar skills undermine what you do as a business. Our FREE grammar cheat sheet shows you which grammar mistakes we see the most often on social media and explains the differences between different spellings of phonemes. Anything you can think of to add to it?
Download our Grammar Cheat Sheet here >>> FREE Grammar Cheat Sheet from Social Bods
Check your grammar!
You’re | Your |
“you are” | Belongs to you |
You’re very good at grammar! | Check your grammar! |
There | Their | They’re |
A place | Belongs to them | “they are” |
There is a book | That is their book | They’re the owners of that book |
It’s | Its |
“It is” | Belongs to it |
It’s a good cat | The cat loves its food |
Where | Were | We’re | Wear |
A place | In the past | “we are” | To put on (clothing) OR to wear down |
Where is my book? | We were excited | We are beautiful | I like to wear my coat
My car is suffering from wear and tear |
Affect | Effect |
The verb | The noun |
The light levels affect my photos | My camera filter creates a fantastic effect |
(An effect is the result of something being affected) |
Stationery | Stationary |
Pens, pencils, paper etc | Something that is not moving |
I use stationery to write a letter | The train was stationary in the station |
To | Two | Too |
A preposition | A number between one and three | Also |
I like to read books | I am two years old | I like reading too |
Who’s | Whose |
“Who is” | Belongs to whom? |
Who’s your mother? | Whose mother did this? |
Lose | Loose |
To not win | Opposite of tight |
I don’t want to lose the race | My seatbelt is loose |
Advice | Advise |
The noun | The verb |
I would like your advice | Please can you advise me |
(Advice is what comes from being advised) |
Peek | Peak |
To sneakily look at something | The highest point |
I had a peek at my birthday presents | I reached the peak of the mountain |
Compliment | Complement |
To say something nice about something | To go together well with something |
I compliment my mum on her lovely hat | The hat and my mum complement each other |
Instead of should of, would of, could of
The correct use is…….
Should have / should’ve
Would have / would’ve
Could have / could’ve
Top tip for anyone doing online writing – install Grammarly. The free package is very good. It doesn’t always get it right but it is good at identifying what parts of your writing might need a second look.

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