How Social Media Marketing Works

How Social Media Marketing Works

Social Media Marketing works by the organic (or paid) distribution of the brand message to members of social media networks. It is very similar to traditional word-of-mouth marketing except now it is online. Messages spread from the brand, and between members. Members...
How to use LinkedIn for Business

How to use LinkedIn for Business

At our recent social media for business clinic, a lot of the talk concerned LinkedIn. It’s not surprising that business people are interested in LinkedIn – it’s a great platform for business people and for the businesses themselves. Do you use LinkedIn for...
Buy an Hour and help Hearing Dogs for Deaf People

Buy an Hour and help Hearing Dogs for Deaf People

Hi, I’m Joanne and this month I’m teaming up with some other ladies from The Sparkling Business Club in donating time to help the charity Hearing Dogs for Deaf People. During the month of May, I am offering a one-hour social media marketing consultation...
Work Experience: Beth Grice

Work Experience: Beth Grice

This last few weeks our office has been enhanced by the addition of Beth Grice, a journalism student from York St John University. It’s been a pleasure. Here’s Beth’s own take on her experience here with us at Social Bods. Over to Beth……. Being a young...