Social Media Manager Support Course
Hello! At Social Bods, we are committed to helping you to become a professional freelance social media manager.
Whether you want to become a freelance social media manager for extra income, or to find a way of fitting work in around other commitments, there is demand out there for people just like you. Social media marketing is a growing industry and many businesses don’t have the skills or time to do it properly. If you have the skills, then you can sell them to a commercial company for cash.
Social Bods are here to help you make the leap from being a competent user of social media to a freelance professional.
Learn more about the course from our founder Joanne Brady.

Modules covered –
Course Dates
The next course starts January 2018 for 8 weeks
Week 1: Friday 12th January webinar at 10am
Week 2: Friday 19th January webinar at 10am
Week 3: Friday 26th January webinar at 10am
Week 4: Friday 2nd February webinar at 10am
Week 5: Friday 9th February webinar at 10am
Week 6: Friday 16th February webinar at 10am
Week 7: Friday 2nd March webinar at 10am
Week 8: Friday 9th March webinar at 10am
Please note: There is NO webinar in half-term (which I think is w/c 19th February)
Webinars can be watched back later if you are unable to attend a specific date but you MUST register for that webinar to receive the invite for the replay.
Pricing £200 – no vat applicable
This is for eight modules with a weekly webinar and handouts, and includes ongoing membership of the Facebook support group.
I have priced this to reflect what it takes for me to deliver the content. £200 is approximately what you would get from one client for one month’s work. Work and clients after this point are your profit!
The fee is payable in two four-weekly installments of £100 and payment can be made by bank transfer, or by Go Cardless.
To sign up to the course
Registrations of interest are now being taken for the 8 week course starting January 2018. Please email us and we can send more info out nearer the date.
Please email us and we will add you to the roster for the next available course. Full details of how to pay, how to join the Facebook group, and the full webinar schedule will be sent back by return.
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What topics are covered by the support course?
See the full list above
How long does the course last?
The formal part of the course is for approximately one hour a week for eight weeks. This includes email support and all handouts that you will need. You can stay in the Facebook support group for as long as you feel you would like to.
When do you run webinars?
The first course will be run on a weekday morning from approximately 10am. Further courses will be run at different times to try and suit as many people as possible.
Courses will run term-time only in consideration of school holidays. While school holidays can vary across the UK, we will try and suit as many people as possible when planning courses.
Do you guarantee I will get any work from this course?
No, sorry. I can point you in the right direction and tell you what you need to know but ultimately it’s up to you whether you win any work, or indeed, if you want to find work.
How do I sign up?
Send us an email and we will send you full details of when the next round starts. You can then decide whether you are able to join the course.