I’m a current second year, going on third year, student at York St John University. I study English Language and Linguistics at the University, which results in most of my time being spent in the university library. As a part of my university course I’ve been required to find myself a work placement for one of my course modules. It was for this reason that I ended up contacting Social Bods who agreed to let me do my university required work placement with their company.
I hope that from this work placement at Social Bods I will gain an insight about a career path that I may wish to pursue in the future. The placement will allow me to see for myself what the world of work in this type of career will actually consist of. It will also hopefully allow me to see how the skills that I’ve gained from my time at university can be applied to a job. As well as seeing how my skills can be applied to a job, I also hope that I will gain some skills from this experience that will aid me in the future.
Aside from the placement that I’ll be conducting here at Social Bods, I have previously done a work experience placement at one of the radio stations local to the East Riding of Yorkshire. I hope that some of the skills I may have acquired from that placement can be further transferred to this placement. In the future, I wish to pursue a career within the media, which hopefully this work placement will allow me to gain experience for.
Outside of university and any other work that comes with being a student, I often find myself reading various books and attempting to learn various languages. I’m a big fan of fantasy stories, such as the likes of Narnia and Lord of the Rings, but I also enjoy science fiction stories such as The Martian. Like most young people I have various social media accounts which I often spend my time browsing through and wasting my time on. I’m also an avid cook and I very much enjoy experimenting with a number of different dishes. Unfortunately, baking and sweets foods are not within my talent ranges. I like to travel and one day wish to combine my loves of languages and cooking with my love of travelling. however, I haven’t decided on how I may possibly achieve this little dream.