Hidden amongst all the Brexit chaos taking over the internet this week, there has still been a lighter side to the internet with everything from strolling strawberries to stroppy swans.
Memes are yesterday’s news
If you are a frequent social media user then you are probably aware of the ‘Distracted Boyfriend’ meme. Based on a 2015 stock photograph by Spanish photographer Antonio Guillem, the meme went viral in 2017 and has been filling our feeds ever since. The image was originally titled “Disloyal man walking with his girlfriend and looking amazed at another seductive girl” but went viral when people changed the photo to have different meanings.
But, before ‘distracted boyfriend’, a 1950’s Military Magazine has revealed a black and white almost identical ‘Distracted Girlfriend’. The photograph features Staff Sergeant Louis Cappazzoli and US Navy recruits Nancy Kelley and Joe Ewing in almost identical positions to the viral meme. Apparently, it is a coincidence but the resemblance is still uncanny…

Swanning around
Normally you think of police work and think of action and arrests – not this week. Police in Greenock, Inverclyde had an entirely different type of creature to escort this week as a rogue swan caused chaos through the streets. According to a witness it took at least three police officers armed with riot shields and two police vans to safely return the bird home to Murdieston Park after the 30-minute battle. Luckily a local resident captured it all on video for our amusement.
Pussy-footing around politics
Brexit might have found a way to sneak its way onto here, but it is for good reason as the French Brexit Minister had allegedly decided to name her cat Brexit. Nathalie Loiseau decided on the name after noticing that “‘he meows to go out,
Unfortunately, she did eventually admit that it was a joke (and that she doesn’t actually have a cat) but admittedly it was quite funny (even if it was at our expense).
What the Guoxue you talkin’ about?
A homeless man in China has become famous online after videos shared online showed his intellect and knowledge on Guoxue, the study of Chinese Literature. Shen Wei, who originates from Shanghai, has been living the life of a wanderer for over a decade and was quoted saying “I don’t want to be famous and I like a quiet life” despite the new-found fame.
Yummy, yummy. Fruit salad.
Do you ever have to do a double take when you just can’t quite believe your eyes? Well Lorry-driver Phil Attenborrow certainly did as he opened his curtains to reveal a giant strawberry strolling casually past his house. The video of the strolling strawberry was posted to Facebook and apparently received nothing but positive comments.
And finally, this week’s classy Twitter trend…….
The most light-hearted (and naturally most immature) Twitter hashtag of the week has to go #ruinafilmbyaddingupyourbum; the hashtag started trending earlier in the week and has given the people of internet the reigns to explore their imagination in the crudest ways possible. Only in the UK could this be the solution to too much politics…
What weird and wonderful things have you found on the internet this week?

About the author
Beth Grice is at Social Bods for a few days of work experience. She’s already seen enough to last her a lifetime.